What is eHealth and why should I care? Project TRIO explained

What is eHealth and why should I care? Project TRIO explained

Dieuwertje van Boekel

In the EU 47,6% of people have poor health literacy skills, 46% don’t have basic digital skills, and 20% struggle with data and information skills. Yet more and more health services are being digitalised. This is done to improve services, empower patients, and alleviate the overcrowded healthcare system. However, in order to retain full access to health services, we are expected to have a certain level of digital, health and data literacy skills, like finding reliable health information online, comparing healthcare insurance offers, and knowing data privacy regulations.

For many of us, these kinds of skills are not straightforward and sometimes difficult to learn. Project ”TRIO – Adult education on digital, health and data literacy for citizen empowerment” aims to improve the digital, health and data skill levels of adults of all ages by developing a manual, an e-learning platform, a toolkit for adult educators, and policy recommendations. The project has recently been finalised and all TRIO outputs can be found on the TRIO website (open access) in six languages: English, Dutch, German, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish. Do you wish to improve your own eHealth skills? Or know which level you are currently at? Start your learning journey here.

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