About us

About us

AFEdemy, Academy on age-friendly environments in Europe BV is a limited private company, based in The Netherlands and trades under Dutch law (legal identity: NL 68708157; VAT: NL8575.57.439B01).

AFEdemy was founded in May 2017 and since then AFEdemy has been successfully involved in many European networks and projects. The reason to found AFEdemy is to address the challenge of implementation where many organisations embrace the WHO holistic concept of age-friendly cities and environments. Therefore, AFEdemy’s mission is to build capacity of national, regional and local stakeholders in the field of Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE). Main target groups of our work are: older adults, public authorities, architects, health care institutions, research and ICT development agencies. To achieve the company’s aim, AFEdemy offers services, such as monitoring the effects of policy measures, impact assessment of policy decisions, e-learning platform development, stakeholder connection and networking, training, and research.

Willeke van Staalduinen
CEO - Politics and Health
Kelsang Khyabchog
CEO - ICT, Active and Healthy Living
Bart Borsje
Inclusion and anti-discrimination
Dieuwertje van Boekel
Research and analytics
Jonas Bernitt
Research and e-learning
Patricia Lucha Fariña
Research and development

If you are interested in our services or collaborating with us in projects and initiatives, please write us.

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© 2017 - 2025

AFEdemy, Academy on Age-Friendly Environments in Europe B. V.

Design by Lotus Estudi