The YoungCare meeting has been fruitful

The YoungCare meeting has been fruitful

Dieuwertje van Boekel

The Chocoladefabriek in Gouda was again the platform for a great and fruitful meeting. From the 18th to the 20th of June our YoungCare partners from Germany, Italy, Lithuania, and Portugal gathered both online and in person to discuss the progress of the project. The goal of this 3-day transnational meeting was the further development of the main output of the YoungCare project: the e-learning platform for informal carers of care dependent (young) adults, aged 18 to 65.

The first day centred around the international modules that will be covered: Housing & Living, Leisure & Mobility, Participation & Employment, and Care & Support. Through break-out sessions, we had productive discussions on the content, tone, and interactivity of the platform.

During the second day, the national topics were subjected to a similar approach, to ensure the usefulness and accessibility of the learning offer. The day also focussed on the time plan, sharing and promotion activities, and the upcoming multiplier event in Brussels, which will likely take place in May next year.

On the third day we were accompanied by Ginette Klein from Ieder(in) and Jos Nieveen from MantelzorgNL, who provided the team with valuable insights into the needs and barriers of informal caregiving.

Find out more information on the project’s website.

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