The Col·laber Training Day

Recap of the Col·laber Training Day!

Jonas Bernitt

AFEdemy organised the Col·laber Training Day on the 19th of April 2024. As an activity of the INTEGER project, it aimed to strengthen collaboration between different actors within European innovation ecosystems to realise social innovation initiatives.

Col·laber within the INTEGER project

In the session, participants were able to learn which skills and knowledge are necessary to become Col·labers. Col·labers are social innovators with digital skills who can network and boost collaborations within and across regional ecosystems, perform matchmaking activities and bring together social, business and technology-driven players.

In the four hour online training, participants experienced fundamentals and the skills crucial for this task. The topics presented were based on the exciting findings from the practical work carried out in three European pilot ecosystems within the INTEGER project: Catalonia, Hamburg and Krakow.

Knowledge and Skills of a Col·laber

In the explained framework, the training gave an overview of various subjects that are helpful for the role of Col·labers, including Social Innovation, Design Thinking, Social Alliances & Professional Networks, Project Management, Strategic Planning with the SOAR model, European ESG Criteria, Funding & Investment Strategies or Social Return on Investment.

As external experts, Antonius Schröder from the European School of Social Innovation (ESSI) and Laia Pascual from Ship2B provided exciting insights.

TheGlocal.Network innovation platform

Another part of the training gave an idea about the interactive community platform, TheGlocal.Network, that can be used to connect people from different fields of innovation. This innovation platform from the INTEGER project allows various innovation stakeholders to come together to work on societal problems. To get a more detailed idea of the platform you can have a look at our INTEGER Pill 2: How to use

Become a Col·laber yourself

If the content of the Col·laber Training Day seems interesting to you, you can become a Col·laber and a part of the INTEGER yourself. For this, you can join TheGlocal.Network, a community platform with various active individuals from the quadruple helix innovation areas.

If you are not yet registered, you can do so by clicking here.

If you are already part of the community, you can visit the so-called Col·laber’s Corner, where various materials for becoming a Col·laber are made available following our training.

In this Col·laber’s Corner, you can also find the full recording of the Col·laber Training Day.

If you want to find out more about the INTEGER project and all the materials developed, you can visit the project website.

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AFEdemy, Academy on Age-Friendly Environments in Europe B. V.

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