Gaming for Mutual Learning in Elder Care (GAMLEC)

Gaming for Mutual Learning in Elder Care (GAMLEC)

Client / Funding programme:
Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Gaming for Mutual Learning in Elder Care n° 2019-1-DE02-KA204-006492:

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.

Start and end dates:
09/2019 – 11/2021


AFEdemy role in the project:

Research and leader of Intellectual Output IO4 “E-Learning Platform”

☐ Curriculum development
e-Learning Platform
☐ Networking
☐ Policy recommendation


Since September 2019, AFEdemy is research and online tools developing partner of the Erasmus+ project “Gaming for Mutual Learning in Elder Care (GAMLEC)”.

The Erasmus+ GAMLEC project aims to develop an innovative and easy accessible low-cost game-based training and learning tool, a board game with learning card decks, that:

  • Makes learning of topics related to standards for quality of life for dependent seniors easy, playful and sustainable,
  • Is appealing to as many people of the target groups as possible,
  • Helps increasing mutual understanding of all stakeholders involved in homes for dependent older people,
  • Is designed in a way that eases future development as conditions or context may change.


The aim of the Erasmus+ GAMLEC project is to provide a training measure that:

  • Promotes high quality standards in the care for the elder through mutual understanding, team work, knowledge sharing among co-workers, volunteers and families;
  • Takes scarcity of resources into consideration and is therefore provided directly by the organisations: when, where and what is needed;
  • Makes learning easy and complex content (quality standards in care for dependent seniors) accessible to people with a lower education level and limited language proficiency as well as to target groups with no professional background (volunteers and relatives of the seniors);
  • Is innovative: a game-based learning approach is chosen focusing on the contributions made by different partners with mutual benefits through sharing best practices in contents and procedures across borders.

AFE Related Topics

☐ Outdoor spaces and buildings
Social participation
☐ Transport and mobility
Social inclusion and non-discrimination
☐ Housing
☐ Civic engagement and employment
☐ Communication and information
Community and health services

Target Audience

Staff in care homes with low educational level and/or language proficiency, volunteers and committed family members with no specific background knowledge on standards for quality of life of dependent
seniors, have special training needs which must be be fulfilled, in order to enable them to make a significant contribution.


The project will run from mid September 2019 till mid October 2021.

During the project, partners will organise 4 transnational meetings, 4 national (Italy, Germany, The Netherlands and Lithuania) multiplier events to inform on the project outcomes to relevant stakeholders, to offer the opportunity of a “hands-on-experience” in playing the learning board game, and to make agreements on advertising and disseminating the board game through the participants’ communication channels.

In October 2021 the closing international multiplier event will take place in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.


  • (Coordinator) IP-International GmbH
  • AFEdemy, Academy on Age-Friendly Environments in Europe B.V.
  • ASP Città di Bologna
  • CADIAI Cooperativa Sociale
  • ISIS Institut für Soziale Infrastruktur gGmbH
  • Vytautas Magnus University Kaunas


Serious gaming tool: online and pdf (UPCOMING)


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AFEdemy, Academy on Age-Friendly Environments in Europe B. V.

Design by Lotus Estudi