ABC Network

ABC Network: The Age-friendly Balkans Connected Network

Client / Funding programme:

SIA/RAAK Netherlands

Website: TBA

Start and end dates:
01-11-2024 – 31-12-2026

AFEdemy role in the project:

AFEdemy will follow the work of the ABC network and disseminate the results in the networks of SHAFE and PAARnet and on the WHO website of The Hague.

☐ Coordination
☐ Research
☐ Training
☐ Curriculum development
☐ e-Learning Platform
☐ Policy recommendation
☐ Sustainability


The Netherlands and North Macedonia have had a collaboration in this field since 2022, which forms the basis for this proposal. Partners of Mother Teresa University in Skopje (MTU) have asked for joining our efforts: the Institute for Social Activities in Skopje sees the age-friendly agenda and research at THUAS as a logical next step for a better understanding and representation of all subgroups in their ethnically diverse city. Universities in bordering nations, including Kosovo and Albania, have indicated their interest to join efforts during the annual Towards Sustainable Development Conference in Skopje. They called for the existing research and capacity-building efforts at MTU to be extended to other parts of the Western Balkans. This includes Tuzla in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which joined the network in 2023. It is currently the only member city in the Western Balkans (Figure 2), with Podgorica having plans to join.

The four actions points for the ABC Network project are:

  1. Generate knowledge and action: improve the knowledge base around age-friendly environments as well as the translation of knowledge into evidence-based action across AFCC networks and programmes, including for impact evaluation of programmes and interventions;
  2. Be inclusive: eliminate barriers for participation and exchange, including language and geographic barriers, to improve accessibility and overall member experience;
  3. Expand reach: support and promote efforts towards developing and strengthening national and sub-national AFCC programmes, in particular in low- and middle-income countries;
  4. Build capacity: foster mentoring activities and peer-to-peer learning on age-friendly environments across relevant stakeholders (policymakers, professionals, civil society organizations, media, private sector etc).

The project is warmly supported by the World Health Organization.

The Age-friendly Balkans Connected Network seeks to (1) form regional knowledge and action eco-systems through further capacity-building in the Western Balkans, and (2) provide regional cities with an instrument for a baseline assessment of the age-friendliness. The Network, its ecosystems and tools, are a resource for making action plans, decision making and implementation concerning age-friendliness, as well as serve as a sustainable past performance in future grant applications.


  • To build local age-friendly ecosystems in the Western Balkans, by facilitating mutual learning from different contexts.
  • To translate and cross-culturally validate the AFCCQ-NL (available also in other languages on the Age-friendly World page of the WHO Website) and to conduct surveys in the participating cities.

AFE Related Topics

Outdoor spaces and buildings
Social participation
Transport and mobility
Social inclusion and non-discrimination
Civic engagement and employment
Communication and information
Community and health services

Target groups

  • Municipalities and older people organisations


Project coordinator:

Project partners:

Project workplan

  • Capacity building in The ABC Network takes place through Mutual learning (ML), which is an implicit aspect of participatory research. ML refers to collaboration and knowledge-sharing between actors from similar organisations, or with a common interest from different settings [Robbertson et al. 2014].
  • National versions of the AFCCQ need to be developed for use in the consortium countries. We follow the steps of the COSMIN protocol (COnsensus-based Standards for selection of health Measurement INstruments).

Planned results

  • Formats & procedures for mutual learning visits; Written best practices on cross-cultural research design.
  • Updated manual for data collection and statistics (English); Top-up questions for consortium partners; Individual quantitative local and joint reports on the age-friendliness of the cities; National versions of the AFCCQ.

© 2017 - 2025

AFEdemy, Academy on Age-Friendly Environments in Europe B. V.

Design by Lotus Estudi