International Conference: Learning and Implementing Social Innovation

On November 8th and 9th, we will talk about Smart Healthy Age-friendly Environments and Social Innovation in Coimbra. This conference is co-organised by the Nursing School of Coimbra, SHINE 2Europe and AFEdemy, and aims to share and discuss approaches, projects and best practices related to Social Innovation and how to implement and develop healthier and inclusive environments.

Carina Dantas, CEO of SHINE 2Europe refers that “This is a true example of Social Innovation: connecting different countries, stakeholders, projects, challenges and potential solutions and have them getting acquainted, discussing and finding new collaborations. Only broadening the horizons we can find new pathways for our own daily challenges! Hopefully, we will build new roads together at the Conference.”

In addition to the very interesting panels of speakers, during the two days of the conference workshops and face-to-face meetings will allow for different projects to be presented and discussed.

The project Hands-on SHAFE will be high in the agenda for the 8th November. After the morning coffee-break, Willeke van Staalduinen, from AFEdemy, will present the project in the plenary session. Now that all the learning modules of the four domains, SMART, HEALTHY, BUILT and BUSINESS, are ready and being published, these results will be introduced. Then in the afternoon, there is a practical session on Hands-on SHAFE, chaired by Javier Ganzarain and Jonas Bernitt, whereby the audience will be able to get to know the learning experiences directly from all the authors.

The projects SDD (Smart for Democracy and Diversity) and SAA (Smart Against Ageism) will be presented by Jesper Schulze, in the panel “People at the Centre of the Interventions” on 8th November 3.45 GMT. In this communication, Jesper will explain the “Smart Against” approach and provide a brief overview of SDD, as well as the SAA project explaining how to make it work for adult education.

The project BIG will be high in the agenda for the 9th November! After lunch, Willeke van Staalduinen, from AFEdemy, will present the project in the plenary session. Now that the project is nearly ended, it will be very enriching to know more about the development of the game, the training

tools that are being developed and the next steps.

This presentation will be followed by a practical session led by SHINE and AFEdemy. The participants will be able to experiment first-hand with the educational game: Building Inclusive environments for all Generations (BIG), where the player can meet and solve challenges related to hard-access environments that represent a risk of social exclusion.

On the 10th, the BIG project Transnational Project Meeting will take place, also in Coimbra and hosted by SHINE, to finalise the works and discuss the sustainability and further exploitation of the project results.

We hope you can join us in these days in what we hope will be a fruitful sharing of expertise and enlargement of our networks.


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AFEdemy, Academy on Age-Friendly Environments in Europe B. V.

Design by Lotus Estudi