Age-Friendly Environments Activists

Age-Friendly Environments Activists

Client / Funding programme:
Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Age-friendly Environment Activists n° 2018-1-LT01-KA204-046947:

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.

Start and end dates:
01/10/2018 – 30/09/2020

Erasmus+ Project´s Result Website:

AFEdemy role:
Research and training partner

☐ Coordination
☐ Research
Curriculum development
☐ e-Learning Platform
☐ Networking
☐ Policy recommendation


AFE-Activists is an Erasmus+ project that aims to build the capacities of older people to have their voices heard. Also, it intends to train older people to realise Age-Friendly Environments in their own cities or communities. AFEdemy is research and training partner in this project that is led by Senior’s Initiatives Centre from Kaunas, Lithuania.

Within the project, AFEdemy organizes a 5 days study tour to Age-Friendly City The Hague in The Netherlands. Older people from Austria, Germany, Italy and Lithuania will visit several locations in The Hague to learn more about how to realise age-friendly initiatives at local level. The group will visit associated partner of the project, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, professor Urban Ageing Joost van Hoof, the municipality of The Hague, city executive Kavita Parbhudayal, Living Room in the Neighbourhood “Laakse Lente”, community centre Mandelaplein and Sportcampus, among others.

Next to the study tour, AFEdemy provides a training of 4 workshops to older people of the Transvaal district in The Hague. The training focuses on advocacy, age-friendly environments and developing plans and actions. The training will take place in the Autumn of 2019 and will result in the installation of an older people’s board in Transvaal at the closing meeting.


  • The overall objective of AFE-Activists is to support and train older adults who want to promote and foster age-friendly environments in their cities and communities and to influence municipal agencies in their decision making so that the infrastructures and services are adapted to the diverse capacities, realities, needs and preferences of all residents of all ages.

AFE Related Topics

Outdoor spaces and buildings
Social participation
Transport and mobility
Social inclusion and non-discrimination
Civic engagement and employment
Communication and information
Community and health services

Target Audience

Older adults who want to promote and foster age-friendly environments in their cities and communities and to influence municipal agencies.


With this aim in mind, the AFE-Activists project will work on:

  • Designing and testing of a non-formal learning curriculum based on the analysis of the state-of-the-art European and global grass-roots initiatives of older people’s activism.
  • Project-based learning enabling the 65+ learners to find the most effective methods to translate the promising idea of age-friendly environment into effective action on the local level.
  • Deploying transnational learning mobilities giving the opportunity to selected participants to gain first-hand experience on age-friendly environments in The Hague (The Netherlands) and Udine (Italy).



© 2017 - 2022

AFEdemy, Academy on Age-Friendly Environments in Europe B. V.

Design by Lotus Estudi