Culture on Prescription has been successfully completed!

Culture on Prescription successfully has been completed!

Bart Borsje

We recently completed one of our favourite projects namely the Culture on Prescription project. In this project, we worked together with Gesundheitsamt Frankfurt (Germany), Dublin City University (Ireland), European Association for the Education of Adults (Belgium), SHINE3Europe (Portugal), Acocatia Grupul de Educatie si Actiune pentru Cetatenie (Romania) and under the leadership of ISIS (Germany).

The idea behind this Erasmus+ project is that social isolation and loneliness are unfortunately still common and that you can prevent and combat them by offering prescription-based arts and culture. The project has shown that this works. To this end, various forms of art and culture lessons were tried out, such as painting and theatre.

Within this project, AFEdemy was responsible for disseminating and promoting the results. We also actively contributed to the compendium, among other things, by preparing a national report on the situation in the Netherlands and which interesting initiatives are already being organised here. In addition, AFEdemy developed a special workshop methodology for professionals working on delivering Culture on Prescription activities to participants.

In Germany, the project received the special ‘Next Practice’ award at the annual German Demography Award ceremony on 13 June 2024. An award we as project partner are very proud of.

More information on this project is available at The website and all its materials are in 5 languages. You can contact one of the partners for more information via the contact page.

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AFEdemy, Academy on Age-Friendly Environments in Europe B. V.

Design by Lotus Estudi