Community Scouts project has launched!

Community Scouts project has launched!

Lucia Thielman

Europe is getting older. This also makes it increasingly difficult to provide professional care for older people. Informal care is therefore also becoming increasingly important. But how can you, as a professional, collaborate effectively with volunteers, residents, loved ones or family members? And what skills do you need as a citizen to support older people in your own environment? To answer these questions the Community Scouts project was launched. This project led by AFEdemy, aims at empowering citizens and professionals to provide essential support to older adults in their communities. The project, an Erasmus+ initiative, is set to launch a comprehensive training and toolkit designed to empower citizens in supporting older adults within their communities.

Project partners

In the project AFEdemy – Academy on Age-Friendly Environments (The Netherlands) is collaborating with ISIS Institut für Soziale Infrastruktur (Germany) and VerbindenBV (The Netherlands).

Expected results

The project will result in a training and toolkit, accessible online, that will equip citizens with the skills needed to support older adults in their communities.

Target groups

The project focuses on the following target groups.

  • Citizens (18 years and older) interested in becoming Community Scouts.
  • Stakeholders in the adult education field in need of training tools.
  • Older individuals in need of (informal) support.
  • Providers of support services for older people.

Get involved!

Are you a citizen who is interested in becoming a Community Scout? Or are you a professional that supports and trains volunteers? And do you want to stay up to date on everything that we develop in the project? Let us know by e-mailing and we will keep you updated and informed about the progress of the project.

Want to know more?

Want to know more about our project? Check out our website at

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AFEdemy, Academy on Age-Friendly Environments in Europe B. V.

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