Bridge The Gap! Successful approach to train digital skills with older adults

Bridge The Gap! Successful approach to train digital skills with older adult

By Willeke van Staalduinen, CEO AFEdemy () and Loes Hulsebosch CEO HM Advies ()

Social and digital participation is a highly relevant theme among older adults. To respond to that demand, in the frame of Erasmus+ project Bridge the Gap!, a training approach was developed in which age-friendly environments issues and digital skills training were combined.

Twenty-four older adults from The Hague and Gouda participated with much enthusiasm in a workshop sequence of six meetings and indicated afterward that the training improved their digital skills. The approach focused on practicing using digital skills while working on age-friendly environments topics. The main conclusion is that this approach is successful in training the digital skills of older adults. It also supported people with analphabetic and motoric issues to use their digital devices by using the speaking and reading functionalities.  This article is a narrative of the approaches and workshops that were held to train digital skills with older adults.

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AFEdemy, Academy on Age-Friendly Environments in Europe B. V.

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