Testteams4All project was recently launched!

Testteams4All project was recently launched!

Bart Borsje


People with disabilities unfortunately often experience that buildings such as restaurants, shops but also theatres and town halls are not properly accessible to them. Based on the UN Convention on Disability, you would expect serious work to be done to make at least public buildings accessible. However, practice shows otherwise.

Goal of the project

With the Testteams4All project, we want to develop a toolkit and training on the basis of which experience experts can start testing the accessibility of the built environment and give advice on this. In the hope that this will lead to implementing the advice issued to make the buildings accessible to all.


The project will be led by AFEdemy and will involve cooperation with the advocacy organisations for people with disabilities and or chronic illnesses Stichting Voorall from The Hague and Dito vzw from Brussels. These two organisations both have experience in working with a test team, but would like to develop a uniform toolkit and training for testing and advising in this project.

Stay tuned

The project will run from April 2024 to October 2025. Through a newsletter and news releases shared via partner websites and social media, we will keep interested parties informed. The project will conclude with an international online meeting on Tuesday 23 September 2025. For more information, please contact by email.

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AFEdemy, Academy on Age-Friendly Environments in Europe B. V.

Design by Lotus Estudi