Seniors Adaptation to the Virtual Environment (SAVE)

Client / Funding programme:

Erasmus+ Adult education:

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.


Start and end dates:
01.01.2022 – 31.12.2023

AFEdemy role in the project:

AFEdemy partners in the project by delivering contributions to the curriculum, organising interviews with older adults and assemble good practices on how older adults can be empowered using arts.

☐ Coordination
☐ Research
Curriculum development
☐ e-Learning Platform
☐ Policy recommendation


The aim of the project is to create conditions for increasing the activity of seniors through art, creativity, culture and to provide inspiration to people involved in the activation of seniors by providing adequate tools. The project is created together with the seniors community and results from the extensive experience of the applicant and Partners. We want to expand and develop the digital competences of seniors by using IT tools and using them to create specific work products such as photos, texts, videos. Older people who declare active use of the Internet, faced with the need to transfer their practical activities to the online world, realize that they are not fully coping with it. Older people, often rich in life experience and knowledge, feel fear and aversion towards modern devices that have dominated the world today. We want to encourage older people to pursue their passions using digital tools. The means of activating seniors is to be creative work, use of art and awakening their artistic abilities.

The tools to help the project to achieve the goals are digital educational materials, online resources, materials created on the basis of e-learning and micro-learning, guides, and good practices. The connecting element of these tools is that they require learning and developing digital competences related to the operation of devices and interfaces, searching for resources on the Web, analysing online resources, applying appropriate data formats, and using ICT communication tools.


  • Support and activation of seniors (at least 200 people in the questionnaires) by providing educational materials and good practices
  • Increasing the knowledge and skills of educators (at least 50 people in the questionnaires) dealing with seniors by participating in workshops
  • Increasing knowledge and awareness about the possibilities of activation and stimulating activity through inspiring materials presenting good practices
  • Increasing the awareness of social and educational circles through the organization of conferences and specialist dissemination seminars.

The project will support the implementation of the strategic priorities set out in the Digital Education Action Plan, which are:

  1. Supporting the development of a highly efficient digital education ecosystem.
  2. Strengthening digital skills and competences for the digital transformation by building all types of education and training institutions and the necessary understanding of how to take advantage of the opportunities offered by digital technologies.

The project is to be in line with inclusion and diversity in the context of eliminating barriers related to access to education for older people, including social, geographic and economic barriers. The development of the education of older people is part of the concept of life long learning – learning throughout life. Older people much less often than younger people participate in educational programs and undertakings. The European Union has clearly set out the main lines of action for the older people, including: – raising the level of social awareness of the importance of the participation of older people in social and economic life, – combating age discrimination (ageism), especially in the field of employment – participation in society – the contributions of older people to society should be more appreciated.

The assumption of the project is to include older people in social activity by enabling them to master tools to facilitate inclusion. We also want to eliminate the negative effects of lockdown-related isolation and enable the older people to continue to develop their passions, interests and social contacts. We want to implement the above priorities by creating educational materials, initiatives for joint activities of seniors, including sharing the results of these activities, workshops and dissemination activities.

AFE Related Topics

☐ Outdoor spaces and buildings
Social participation
☐ Transport and mobility
Social inclusion and non-discrimination
☐ Housing
Civic engagement and employment
Communication and information
Community and health services

Target group

Senior citizens 60+, carers of older people and professional educators dealing with adult education.


  • Stowarzyszenie MANKO (Poland) – Coordinator
  • Eurokreator T&C sp. z.o.o. (Poland)
  • Zena (Croatia)
  • SHINE2Europe (Portugal) (
  • AFEdemy (The Netherlands) (


To achieve results, project partners will apply the methodology of activities used in other projects. The main assumption of such a methodology is the involvement of all partners in the implementation of results, as well as verification and development of products. At each stage, verification activities and quality monitoring (substantive corrections, discussions, information exchange) are planned.

Project objectives and results will be achieved through:

  1. Intellectual work of experts (results of intellectual work)
  2. Meetings and workshops (project meetings combined with workshops and tests of solutions proposed in the project)
  3. Dissemination events.

The activities under the project will be directly related to the achievement of the project objectives and the implementation of the planned results. For each result, a sequence of actions is planned with the provision of feedback and control mechanisms Monitoring activities are to ensure high quality of products and their timely implementation.

A typical sequence that leads to an intellectual result is:

  1. Establishing a starting point (based on a needs analysis, previous work done, etc.
  2. Establishing a work plan and division of tasks (taking into account possible changes occurring after the submission of the project)
  3. Working on results
  4. Re-checking and quality control
  5. Testing
  6. Modification
  7. Implementation
  8. Dissemination, Use and Development


Project results

Project Result 1: MOOC (e-learning) – tools and methods for creative work:

The educational materials planned in the project will have a MOOC type e-learning course. In order to facilitate and make more attractive the transfer of information and knowledge. The course pages may contain video material.

Duration of the course: minimum 5 hours

Project Result 2: Good practices for older adults

  1. Case Study Type Document (Good Practice Guideline). The material in text form with illustrations is to contain a list of good practices of partner organizations, use of art as a form of activation, forms of remote activation through art. The Case Study will be a description of stories of people, stories that are to inspire to action and activity. When selecting examples, we will be guided by the principle that they should inspire not only to creative activity, but also to digital openness: using IT tools, sharing results and new forms of communication.
  2. Films consisting of interviews and case studies. The film aims to show profiles of active seniors in various fields of art. The applicant works with people who, in addition to their artistic activity they also engage in active support active support for seniors such as Krzysztof Zanussi, Urszula Dudziak. The film is meant to be educational – as a collection of good practices, ideas and inspirations. It will also be used for dissemination activities. When selecting examples, as above selection of examples, as above, we will put emphasis on the digital aspect of such activities. The materials will be interconnected logically connected, and because they have a similar purpose,
  3. The portfolio will serve as a medium for sharing and disseminating the results of the work.

Project Result 3: Seniors for seniors – the international Senior Voice

This material is intended to be the work of seniors. The role of the editorial team is to ensure the standards and quality of the material. Many of the seniors with whom the partners have contact are the creators of poetry, photographs, private archives, works of art, fashion ideas.

The magazine will include specific exercises, tasks, practices. The magazine will contain reports on the activities of senior activities of senior organisations in Portugal, the Netherlands, and Croatia, announcements and summaries of senior events, the offer of senior organizations encouraging cooperation, activating and educational campaigns, encouraging seniors to take participation in senior competitions such as “Stylish Senior Woman – Stylish Senior. The idea is to learn through active work.

© 2017 - 2022

AFEdemy, Academy on Age-Friendly Environments in Europe B. V.

Design by Lotus Estudi