Our mission

Age-friendly environments, or more specific, smart healthy age-friendly environments, promote independent living, digitalization, social inclusion, and more health and wellbeing. We aim to enable the implementation of smart healthy age-friendly environments at local, regional or national level in European countries by providing research, networks, training and support to citizens, municipalities, companies and academia.

We are actively involved in many (European) research and education projects, such as Erasmus+ and Horizon2020. Our long-term experiences with health, politics and IT-solutions are supportive to bring these projects to successful results.

Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE)

To live and participate in society as inhabitant, worker or volunteer, it is necessary that the physical and social working and living environments are usable, accessible, protective and reachable. No matter if someone walks, drives, uses a walker or wheelchair, or is having hearing or vision problems. The age-friendly environments or age-friendly cities concept has been developed and launched by the World Health Organization in 2007.

With the ongoing digitization of society, new opportunities arise to foster these living and working environments. Also, digital solutions could assist to better prevent from non-communicable diseases, and to promote independent living, work till older age, favoring more health and wellbeing. Digital solutions can also be part of the solution for urged measures, such as social distancing in case of virus outbreaks. That is why we mainly focus on Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE), a concept developed in close collaboration with Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra from Portugal.


Our projects

We are involved in several Erasmus+ projects (Strategic Partnerships on Innovation for Adult Education), Horizon2020 projects and European Networks.

These projects mostly regard capacity building on smart healthy age-friendly environments development and implementation, monitoring and research and surveys on good practices and user opinions, coaching and training of (older) adults and organisations.

For more details visit our projects page.

Our roles

In the projects we fulfil different roles based on our competences and skills. We are coordinators and initiators of projects and networks, we provide policy recommendations to organisations on Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE), we develop e-learning platforms, we perform quantitative and qualitative research activities, and we deploy end-users perspectives:

AFEdemy is the coordinator of a project or work package/intellectual output.


Desk research, questionnaire development, interviews, visits at location


Individual or group training/coaching to SHAFE stakeholders, such as older adults, municipalities and care workers


Set-up of learning content, goals, pathways


Developing online learning tools, such as serious games, MOOCs


Bringing stakeholders together to jointly work on topics of active and healthy ageing, SHAFE


Support public authorities and insurance companies to develop and define policy measures


We design, implement and monitor age-friendly environments policies, practices, places and programmes.

What is your challenge?

If you are interested in our services or collaborating with us in projects and initiatives, please write us.

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© 2017 - 2025

AFEdemy, Academy on Age-Friendly Environments in Europe B. V.

Design by Lotus Estudi